Friday, 29 June 2012


Thanks to the ceaseless efforts of my friend Francis Kirkham I now have a new blog thing where I'm hoping to be able to post some of the music videos that I'm uploading to YouTube. It's called dare2connect and, although it doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with my iPad at the moment, I'm confident that I'll be able to get it to do the things that it's meant to do. I'm absolutely amazed at the millions of things that it is possible to do with computers! If you'd told me a few weeks ago that I would soon be able to upload my photographs and videos to a website I'd have looked at you as though you were completely bonkers in the nut! So please visit my new bloggy thing at dare2connect, look at my photographs, see my videos and, above all, enjoy!

Monday, 25 June 2012

Deus ex machina

June has been a wet and miserable month and, now that it's almost done, I've realised that I've been neglecting to add to my blog. By the way, I now have an iPad, so if this is in a different font or something it's because of that. That having been said, here it goes... My dear Mum bought me this truly wonderful piece of kit recently (it's a birthday/Christmas present combined for the next five years as it was so expensive) and I'm striving to get the maximum amount of use from it. It's about a million times better than my old steam-powered laptop, fast and, after an hour-long free lesson at the Apple store, I've already learned quite a lot about what it is possible to do on it. And I've even managed to use it to film myself playing tunes - and posted said tunes on YouTube! It did take quite a few trials, and a whole plethora of errors, but I did it in the end! Am I chuffed to bits? Well, actually, I am! Well chuffed! Of course, it took me so long to successfully post the videos that I haven't really had any feedback yet. When I (mistakenly, as it transpired) thought I'd posted the videos onto my Facebook page some of my friends got back to me to say that they weren't able to see them. As it is now two days later and I haven't had any more feedback I'm assuming that my friends maybe aren't expecting me to have mastered the technology yet. Can't say that I blame them really. It'll be July soon, and I hope the weather perks up a bit. It's the start of Wimbledon this week so, for the love of blithering crikey (thanks Hils), let's have some sort of Summer this year. Was going to add an image to this post, but I don't think it's going to let me. That's something else to try to figure out. Watch this space...