Monday, 7 November 2011

Modern Acronyms Explained

HTML - This is one that your partner may well be nagging you to read up on. How To Make Love.
LOL - This can mean many things, but I have it on good authority that it stands for Leg Of Liver.
OMG - Most people are familiar with this one. Obviously it stands for Outrageously Mental Goat.
SEO - Very popular with people who like the water. Sexually Enticing Oceanarium.
USA - Lots of people get this one wrong. Unrealistic Space Adventures.
EU - Politicians use this a lot. Expenses Unlimited.
FTSE - Some folk think this is something you play under the table. Finances Taken Somewhere Else.
BP - Despite everything you may think, this means Best Pal.
BAA - Doesn't actually stand for anything - it's just a sound that a sheep makes.
TV - No. Not that at all. Originated during the Grocers' Riots of 1898. Troublesome Vegetables.
IMF - No prizes for guessing this one. Improper Maid Fondling.
BBC - Coined at a recent party-poopers convention. Balloon Bursting Ceremony.
OTT - Another one invented during the Grocers' Riots of 1898. Obliterate The Tomatoes.
UK - Again, not an acronym. This one is used to describe the sound you make just prior to vomiting.
UKBA - Used to describe the sound that a sheep makes just before it vomits.
FCUK - The sound that a football club makes just before it collectively vomits.
WWW - Used to denote marsupial-friendly territory in Australia. We Welcome Wallabies.
MOD - Someone likely to have been a smartly dressed, scooter riding Who fanatic in the 1960s.
APR - No. Nothing to do with loan companies. Aardvarks Prefer Redheads.
ITV - Those Grocers' Riots again! Intolerably Troublesome Vegetables.
FX - Frantic Xylophonists. Used to denote percussion players who are late for a rehearsal or concert.
FIFA - The sound made by a high-flying executive when he is caught redhanded in a compromising situation.
BLOG - Used instead of RSVP on Rastafarian party invites. Bring Lots Of Ganja.

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